The Importance of Stressed and Unstressed Syllables for Effective Rhythm on Spoken English

Ganiev, Akhrorjon Alisher ugli (2024) The Importance of Stressed and Unstressed Syllables for Effective Rhythm on Spoken English. BEST JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 3 (3). pp. 289-297. ISSN 2835-3579

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Spoken English, with its intricate rhythmic patterns, relies heavily on the nuanced interplay between stressed and unstressed syllables. This thesis explores the fundamental role of stressed and unstressed syllables in shaping the rhythm of spoken English. The study employs an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating linguistic analysis and insights from cognitive science to unravel the intricacies of stress patterns. Through the design and implementation of a questionnaire, administered to 20 English language students, the research aims to assess the general awareness and understanding of syllables, syllabification rules, and the recognition of stressed and unstressed syllables. The first part of the questionnaire focuses on syllables and syllabification rules, probing participants' knowledge of these linguistic elements. Results indicate a varied level of awareness, with challenges observed in syllabifying complex words. The second part delves into the recognition of stressed and unstressed syllables, revealing additional insights into participants' proficiency in identifying rhythmic patterns. The findings suggest both successes and challenges in the participants' grasp of these linguistic nuances. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks from linguistic studies and cognitive science, this thesis offers a comprehensive exploration of the importance of stressed and unstressed syllables in spoken English. The results contribute valuable insights to language pedagogy, highlighting areas where learners may benefit from targeted instructional strategies. The synthesis of theoretical foundations, empirical analysis, and practical implications enriches our understanding of how stress patterns influence the rhythmic landscape of spoken English.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: Postgraduate > Master's of Management
Depositing User: Journal Editor
Date Deposited: 03 May 2024 06:19
Last Modified: 03 May 2024 06:19

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